David Burnett
Has played with the Salina Symphony since:
1984 on and off continuous since 2003
Hometown: Colorado Springs
Current City: Salina
BA Chemistry & Math Bethany College
Job Title:
Food Chemistry Lab Manager, Schwan’s Shared Services
Earliest musical memory:
Piano lessons in grade school
Best part of being a Salina Symphony musician:
Getting to play great music with the local musicians.
Most memorable performance with the Salina Symphony:
West Side Story.
Favorite composer:
Giovanni Gabrieli
What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
I listen to a bit of everything except hip-hop.
How do you spend your free time?
Following my boy’s activities, playing golf, and playing trombone.
Whom do you admire?
My wife Sharon, you have to admire someone who can put up with me and our boys.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Helping raise two great boys.