Lillian Oeding

Lillian Oeding

Has played with the Salina Symphony since:

Hometown: Wichita, KS
Current City: Hutchinson, KS

BA, Graphic Design & Photography, McPherson College

Job Title:
Assistant Art Director/Graphic Designer at BowerComm

Earliest musical memory:
Trying out all the instruments at my 5th grade music introduction expo.

Best part of being a Salina Symphony musician:
Being a part of a dedicated community and being surrounded by people who want to be there just as much as I do. It’s fun to play with people who care.

Most memorable performance with the Salina Symphony:
The Sleeping Beauty

Favorite composers:
Claude Debussy

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
I enjoy listening to indie, alternative music, and sometimes classic rock.

How do you spend your free time?
I draw a lot in my sketchbook that I always have on me. I also enjoy biking, longboarding, and relaxing in coffee shops.

Whom do you admire?
I admire my design professor, Dee Erway-Sherwood. She is a very powerful, inspiring woman. She challenges me to be a better person every day, and helps me to connect myself to my art.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
I’m proud of my musical achievements despite not studying music for a living. I play my instruments purely for the enjoyment of others and myself, and I’m thrilled for all of the opportunities I have found myself in regardless of my career pursuits.